Yes to Every Moment In-Between

In the weeks before closing on the sale of our house we packed truck-loads full of everything deemed unnecessary and hauled them off to the basements of two close friends.  We didn’t know where we would be living or for how long, so the climbing wall went and the...

The Spider’s Sac (a story of desire and betrayal)

Last summer my older children discovered two large, black and yellow spiders in our neighbor’s flower garden.  The first was heavy and round and we marveled at her girth as she sat swaying in the breeze, resting on the zigzagging line that ran down the...

Morning Prayers (Another Way to Pray)

Anxiety hit at the same time consciousness did, dense and heavy, suffocating.  Raising my head a few inches from my crumpled pillow, I reached with blind hands toward the snooze button in an effort to beat back the day. Almost simultaneously, reflexively, as...

What Trust Looks Like

  I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love.  To them I was like one who lifts a little child to the cheek, and I bent down to feed them. Hosea 11:3-4 *   *   * I stand in the doorway of my older son’s...
Sustainable Spirituality

Sustainable Spirituality

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