A Circle of Waiting: Mary, Elizabeth, & the Elephants

The Visitation, by Jacopo Pontormo is one of the paintings I most often display in my Spiritual Direction office during the season of advent. Pontormo depicts the moment of Mary and Elizabeth’s meeting, as described in Luke 1:39-56. In it, the two women, each...

Honey Bees in Advent

Each bee senses that her one obligation is to give the smallest motion of her flight muscles to the collective work of keeping the queen and the colony’s honey stores warm.  The whole hive knows they survive only if they shiver together.  Some of them in the...

Look for a Child . . .

I ordered Gayle Boss’ lovely advent book in mid-December and am still making my slow way through the daily reflections on how different animals endure the long, cold dark of winter.  It seems, to me, to be appropriate reading for the often long, sometimes...

A Sign (#SmallWonder Link-up)

(I am behind this week, friends.  So here is a poem I shared in my newsletter last week.  Check back last in the week for a new post and while you’re here, sign up for my newsletter to receive more exclusive content during Advent and beyond.)  . ....

The Hardest Part (Advent Week 1)

The Sleeping Disciples by Henry Ossawa Tanner I slept but my heart was awake.  Listen!  My beloved is knocking. Song of Solomon 5:2 Besides this, you know what time it is, how it is now the moment for you to wake from sleep.  For salvation is nearer to...
Sustainable Spirituality

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