What Remains in the Wake of Loss

I recently listened as a colleague ticked off a long list of losses. Each loss felt, to me, like an autumn leaf, brown and shriveled, dropping from a tree, from his lips, one by one. I could see the leaves falling, piling at his feet. I could feel loss upon loss...

Gratitude and Our Most Painful Losses

Occasionally, it’s possible to catch a glimpse of gratitude bubbling up on the periphery of life’s most painful experiences. This gratitude is bashful, hovering just to the side of things, small and round, like a spot of light, refracted. This gratitude...

What Is It? (Look, Gather, and Be Filled)

A sermon for Messiah Village’s annual Thanksgiving Service, based on I Thessalonians 5:18 and Exodus 16:9-21, 31. In this passage, God responds to the Israelite’s complaints by telling them to “draw near.”  Then, God provides for their...

Vulnerability & Trust in the Classroom

Every once in a while, I have the opportunity to teach a full semester’s worth of introductory biblical studies materials over a period of fifteen days.  This, January, is one of those once-in-a-whiles.  Which is why I haven’t been posting much...
Sustainable Spirituality

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