Grace Notes (#Small Wonder Link-up)

I love this image of Christ in the Wilderness gathering Wild Flowers painted by Stanley Spencer. I decided last weekend that I would try to write 500 words, five days a week for the month of March.   And I nearly did this past week.  But still, I came...

Trust Matters

  It was mid-April 2013 when we sat at the kitchen table with our realtor discussing price points and all of the other details of listing our house for sale. Timing was important to me, I wanted to sell and buy quickly, to have it all said and done by the time...

Sucker-Punch (a story of Openness and Vulnerability)

I was so grateful a few weeks ago to receive an invitation from Amber Cadenas to write something for her blog, Beautiful Rubbish: the everyday art of learning to see.  Amber’s running a series of guest posts under the topic “Tales of Beauty from the...

This is a Mother’s Love

God is the source of all love; whenever we show love, whenever we experience love, we are experiencing an aspect of God.  For me, the role of mother, as one who loves and is loved, has been a revelation of many aspects of God’s love.  The following...

Settling in to Spaciousness

I’m still tip-toeing around this place like an uncertain guest.  Stopping to pause at every window, checking to see that the sky is still there.   Stepping across the road to retrieve the mail, the old corn field opens before me like the ocean. ...
Sustainable Spirituality

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