God is the source of all love; whenever we show love, whenever we experience love, we are experiencing an aspect of God.  For me, the role of mother, as one who loves and is loved, has been a revelation of many aspects of God’s love.  The following piece, gracefully published by SheLoves Magazinel explores the texture of this mothering love which reveals one small yet important aspect of God’s deep, unyielding love for us.

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“…the Holy Ghost over the bent world broods with warm breast and with ah! bright wings.” – Gerard Manley Hopkins

Silent and still, like a gray stone nestled inside the evergreen, she is almost but not quite hidden from the world. Tucked
in and under, behind the bushy green branches, a Mourning Dove sits on a
nest like none I’ve ever seen. Wide and spacious, it opens out around
her like a cupped hand holding her body, her warmth, her eggs.

She caught my eye one day gathering sticks near the foundation of our house.
Her body, soft and gray, moved with purpose: picking, choosing her
wares before flying to the pine tree, then back again for more. Later,
my kids confirmed the nest and the eggs it held: her treasure, hidden.

Waiting for the bus with my older kids one morning, chilled by April’s soggy wind and rain, I think of her sheltered there. What wisdom led her, I wonder, to that place of safety, that tiny harbor within the boughs of the evergreen tree?

Click HERE to continue reading and leave a comment over at the SheLoves site.  

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