I recently, unexpectedly, spent six days in a local Behavioral Health Unit due to the sudden onset of severe and debilitating panic attacks. I’m so grateful to be home now and feeling better. My time in the hospital now feels almost like it never...
(Photo Source here, CC License.) Let’s just say it’s, oh, I don’t know . . . 90 degrees in the building that houses the high school’s swimming pool. And humid. Yes, very humid, like a sauna or a spa, although you’ll want to get the very idea of any...
My friend Shawn Smucker is hosting a series on his blog called #OvercomeRejection. I thought about the series for a good long while, then finally came up with this post which Shawn graciously refused to reject. You can start reading here, then click on the link...
I was so grateful a few weeks ago to receive an invitation from Amber Cadenas to write something for her blog, Beautiful Rubbish: the everyday art of learning to see. Amber’s running a series of guest posts under the topic “Tales of Beauty from the...
I’m still tip-toeing around this place like an uncertain guest. Stopping to pause at every window, checking to see that the sky is still there. Stepping across the road to retrieve the mail, the old corn field opens before me like the ocean. ...
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