My friend Shawn Smucker is hosting a series on his blog called #OvercomeRejection. I thought about the series for a good long while, then finally came up with this post which Shawn graciously refused to reject. You can start reading here, then click on the link to finish reading over at his place. While your there, click around on some of the other posts in this series (all guest posts) and read some of Shawn’s writing, you’ll be glad you did.
It took me
over a week to think of a single concrete experience of writing related
much? Maybe.
Or maybe I
simply haven’t risked enough. You have
to play your cards to win. You have to
play your cards to lose.
Driving in
the car the other day, though, it came to me, the memory of a very concrete
About six
months into blogging I met with a friend, the editor of a regional parenting
magazine. She wanted to know whether I
would be interested in writing a monthly print column, something about
parenting and faith.
“What angle
are you looking for?” I asked.
“It’s up to
you,” she replied, “I see this as an opportunity for you to build a name, a
platform, you can do whatever you like.”
Click HERE to continue reading . . .
How have you dealt with rejection? Writing related or otherwise?