Choosing Your Groove (#SmallWonder Link-up)

Reaching across the purple loveseat where we sat, I grabbed a hunk of my husband’s wildly overgrown hair and held it between my fingers.  “I have an idea,” I said, “Let’s hold Daddy down and cut his hair.” The kids, sprawled around the room in various stages of...

He Danced (#SmallWonder Link-Up)

  Photo Source A community is only being created when its members accept that they are not going to achieve great things, that they are not going to be heroes, but simply live each day with new hope, like children, in wonderment as the sun rises and in...

The Last Day of Summer

At the end of the day two cats sit in the window, sunset facing, while my husband walks the trash to the curb.  Two fresh bodies are tucked into bed.  Two still-dirty ones stretch the last minutes of daylight in the yard.  There was some discussion this...

Not that Grumpy (#SmallWonder Link-Up)

“What do you think heaven’s like?” Seated around the sticky kitchen island in the early morning humidity, my children and I wake up slowly.  I am on a second or third cup of reheated coffee.  They spill milk and cereal and crunch chocolate toast.  In a...
Sustainable Spirituality

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