A New Season (#SmallWonder Link-up)

(an example of a chicken with feathered legs and feet) This past spring I caught a bad case of Chicken Fever.  Not to be confused with bird flue, Chicken Fever causes its victim, usually already a chicken owner, to desperately desire more chickens.  One...

How to Find Hidden Treasure (#SmallWonder Link-up)

(photo credit) Our giant black chicken stood outside the open kitchen window clucking with vigor yesterday afternoon.  Despite the high heat and humidity, she marched back and forth in the green grass busily squawking with an air of self-importance, a clear sign...

The Birthday Flock (#SmallWonder Link-up)

We stuffed them into boxes marked “Smirnoff Ice” and “Captain Morgan’s,” small boxes, free from the local liquor store.  John cut air holes on the ride across town, slicing with his utility knife in the passenger seat while I drove.  When we arrived at the...

Seeing Better (#SmallWonder Link-Up)

“I could die tomorrow,” I told her.  “Without ever having pink glasses.” The sales associate looked at me with her head cocked, eyebrows raised and conceded the point.  I’ve had the same small, brown glasses frames since 2011. I chose them not long...
Sustainable Spirituality

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