I Was Afraid . . . and I Hid (Genesis 3 and Matthew 25)

I was afraid . . . and I hid (Genesis 3; Matt. 25) The old habit dies hard, the fear that drives one like a hare, hunted, pursued by God-only-knows what terror, darkened shadow, lurking nightmare. I was afraid, Adam said, because I was naked. Vulnerable, exposed, like...

Still (#SmallWonder Link-up)

Friends, I waited and watched and listened yesterday but by the time I slipped between the sheets last night, I had no words to offer you.  Instead, this morning, as I am recovering from a long, intense week, I want to offer you the stillness of Psalm 131....

May You Know Discomfort (An Advent Blessing)

  Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God. – Isaiah 40:1   There’s a comfort that enshrouds the living in the illusion of safety, swaddled in excess, removed from exposure, bundled like that boy in A Christmas Story, unable to move or effect...

Comfort (Advent Week 2)

An American soldier is comforted after learning of the death of his friend.   Korean War 1950 Comfort, O comfort my people,    says your God.   Speak tenderly to Jerusalem,    and cry to herthat she has served her...
Sustainable Spirituality

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