Christian leaders cannot simply be persons who have well-informed opinions about the burning issues of our time. Their leadership must be rooted in the permanent, intimate relationship with the incarnate Word, Jesus and they need to find there the source for...
This post is loosely based on Luke 19:28-40, the gospel story of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. In preparing to preach on the passage this Sunday, I decided to spend some time inside the passage, imagining what it might have been like. This story is...
After the meeting I feel depleted, empty. I return home to the house, the woodstove, the dog and cats, the gerbils tucked together into a tight ball in their plastic tunnel. This internal absence follows me and I try to open my hands, my heart to it. I...
Teaching is the closest I get to extroversion, which explains why I (a fierce introvert) bottom out after every class. When it’s going well I have a sense of flow. Connected to the materials I’m presenting, I start to scat a little like a jazz singer,...
This giant Maple is one of many shady spots at our house. They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden at the time of the evening breeze . . . Genesis 3 It’s hot, humid, and I’m sweating just sitting in the evening shade. Crisscrossed in the green...
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