(one of the reading rooms at Dickinson College Library) Today I’m re-posting this piece from the “archives” which was written back in 2012, right when I first began blogging. The twins were not quite one then and my older two were four...
Our kids enjoying ice cream on the porch swing. We are not on vacation. It’s the last day of spring and my husband’s off from work. The sky is pale blue like fine china swirled with bits of white. The sun has swallowed a...
My little boy resting in those early days. (A reflection on the Last Supper that I wrote during Holy Week, an invitation to us all as we return again and again to that life-changing meal.) It’s Holy Week and my littlest boy is sick. A fever struck early...
Wendy knew the story of Marooner’s Rock. It was named by evil captains who abandoned sailors there. They would drown when the rising tide covered them. * * * Soon after the dinghy was gone, two feeble cries drifted over the...
I grew in those seasons like corn in the night . . . Henry David Thoreau “At two, they’ve grown to half of their full height,” they doctor tells us as our twin boys wriggle and squiggle through their annual appointment. “It took them two years to grow this much...
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