The Napping House (I Don’t Have A War Room)

(Photo Source) For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: In returning and rest you shall be saved;     in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.  Isaiah 30:15 I sat in the little house with the oil lamp lit, computer in place. ...

Self-Care: The Simple Math of “Too”

(Laura Lynn Brown, over at is leading a discussion this summer around self-care – you can find upcoming discussion topics here.  Then add your voice to the conversation in the comments.  This conversation is near and dear to my...

Canine Prayers

This isn’t our dog, but you get the idea, right? Photo Source. Be still, and know that I am God . . . Psalm 46:10 She’s nestled at my side right now, sleeping with great, heavy sighs, her long legs tucked and curled in a fetal position.  I’m still...

Come Rest With Me

 The cornfield across the street preparing for its winter nap. The only way I can get my three year old twins to nap is by joining them.   It started last week, the day after a horrid night of fevers and chills that kept the littlest one and me up until...

To Mend a Broken Heart

Flowers help, cut or wild blooms of vibrant hue, also time rolled out in long stretches like bolts of cloth. Air is essential, as well as stories that name in some way the sharp corners of your pain. You will want to lay down on the floor, to feel something solid...
Sustainable Spirituality

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