Meditation and Social Action

Last Friday, I took a few minutes at the beginning of class to ask my Christian Spirituality students how events like the school shooting in Parkland, FL impacts their lives.   “What’s this like for you guys?” I asked.  “I know...

The Voice of Love

Prayer . . . is listening to the voice that calls us “My Beloved.” – Henri Nouwen My husband wakes, alone, in the early morning dark.  While the rest of us sleep, he lets the dog out, rekindles a fire in the wood stove, and turns on the coffee...

How It Has Always Been

Summer hit our house like a freight train when the kids got off the bus last Friday at 1:15.  It’s all good, but intense.  I’m still writing, but with preaching this Sunday and preparing for next week’s (!) writing retreat, I didn’t...

Slow Down (an invitation)

(I call this picture “Converse in the Wild”) slow down, just be be still be present listen to, and dwell in, what is here, now, this moment what love? what fear? and what possible doorway between the two? (grace, always, is the...
Sustainable Spirituality

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