Finding God in the Appliance Section of Lowes

 It seems a little scarier andthe sky maybe falling. But even we canchangewhenwe discoverkindness and compassion.- K. Chripczuk (found poetry)As I mentioned in a recent video on my fb page, our washing machine died over the weekend. It was the last...

Ashes and the Season of Lent: Maybe It’s Time

Maybe it’s time to let it all fall apart; to stop holding on, holding together, that which is broken beyond repair. Let it burn to ash.Let it crumble and collapse,decompose. Is this not the way of all things?Maybe oursis a season of death.Then, so be it.Let it all...

This Cat’s Purr

  Cats purr … with a consistent pattern and frequency between 25 and 150 Hertz. Various investigators have shown that sound frequencies in this range can improve bone density and promote healing. . . in bones and muscles. – Scientific America, “Why do...


  How does shebecomewhat isnotallowed? How do giftsgrow;gifts she isnotallowedto have,much less,God forbid,use? Whereis the model,the mirror,for herbecoming? What energywill be wasted,what creativitysquandered,in the effortto proveher rightto be in...
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