The Little Birds That Leapt

Driving by the old house at night the windows glow on every side, a warm golden yellow. My eyes well up with yearning for home and I wonder, do the little birds that leapt so freely from their nests feel a pang of longing days, even weeks later, as they go winging by?...

Yes to Every Moment In-Between

In the weeks before closing on the sale of our house we packed truck-loads full of everything deemed unnecessary and hauled them off to the basements of two close friends.  We didn’t know where we would be living or for how long, so the climbing wall went and the...

Searching for Home

  I sat in the front seat of the van as it rocked and vibrated with the energy of four children who WAITED for a full twenty minutes or more as their Dad and I took turns touring a dingy apartment.  Running through the rental with speed, all I...

The Butterfly and the Rat

The twins ran to the kitchen shouting, “Mow! Mow!” and I followed to confirm the sighting.  For months now they’ve named and claimed every “mower” they see as we drive or walk through town.  Every lawn mower,...

Red Bird, Black Bug

  (this is what I’m listening to as I type, though we live nowhere near a field)   *   *   * At our old house, the cardinals swooped and soared through the back yard, pausing on a tree or fence before flying through the air again like a...
Sustainable Spirituality

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