My friend Shawn Smucker is hosting a series on his blog called #OvercomeRejection. I thought about the series for a good long while, then finally came up with this post which Shawn graciously refused to reject. You can start reading here, then click on the link...
I was so grateful a few weeks ago to receive an invitation from Amber Cadenas to write something for her blog, Beautiful Rubbish: the everyday art of learning to see. Amber’s running a series of guest posts under the topic “Tales of Beauty from the...
She stands at the top of the stairs in her soft pink and green pajamas – the ones with the ruffles on the ends of each sleeve. Her long blond hair is tousled and tumbling, fresh from a shower the night before. Lit by the light of the Christmas tree,...
I am still running from that knowledge, that eye, that love from which there is no refuge. For you meant only love, and love, and I felt only fear, and pain. So once in Israel love came to us incarnate, stood in the doorway between two worlds, and we were...
Driving by the old house at night the windows glow on every side, a warm golden yellow. My eyes well up with yearning for home and I wonder, do the little birds that leapt so freely from their nests feel a pang of longing days, even weeks later, as they go winging by?...
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