(now THAT’S a moustache . . . ) (Lately, I’ve been having fun playing with words that strike me and writing a little about their definition and use. I love words. This post is an old one tweaked from the winter of 2012, back when I had three...
It’s my second day of Physical Therapy for lower back pain. I lay flat on my back on a green, cushioned table. My knees are bent and I lift my pelvis in and out of bridge pose ten, twenty times. “How does that feel?” the therapist asks. “I feel it...
#SmallWonder friends – I set the linkup to automatically post last weekend since we were out of town, but it didn’t work! I missed connecting with you all. Today I’m re-posting something from October, 2013, back when the twins were just two...
Six boys scanned the yard from late afternoon until dusk. They walked with their heads down, six pairs of eyes scoured the not-yet-green grass. Each step bore silent anticipation, nervous chatter bubbled up around their listening. When the metal...
Shift each log. Make room for air to move through. Turn your head away and inhale, deep, through nostrils. Then turn again toward the dark stove and exhale. Aim low, for the coals, but not low enough to stir the ashes. Blow out long and hard until all air is...
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