(This isn’t the fox I drew, but rather one I found online to work from – isn’t it charming delightful?) Last week I started work on a painting I planned to give to a friend. Standing at the old sink in the Little House (where my office is) I...
(Note the water fountain. Yes, we have an old school water fountain in our kitchen.) I know the image is blurry, but this is our cat, Perfect, exploring one of our kitchen cupboards for the first time. We’ve had Perfect for about two years now and,...
John 5:1-9 How long must you wait by the water’s edge for the angel to dip her fickle toe and stir the surface of the world? And what if even after days, months of waiting, watching, you sense the air’s movement, see the water shimmer with circle after concentric...
The Good Samaritan by Vincent Van Gogh While the kids watch TV my husband and I steal a quiet moment at the edge of the yard. Sitting side-by-side at the end of the driveway, the garage shades us as we talk about the morning’s sermon. “I really liked the...
This December presented the opportunity to fulfill a life-long secret dream of being a florist as I worked at a dear friend’s flower farm for a few days. The first day was spent cutting Eucalyptus branches and “greening” a series of lovely...
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