This December presented the opportunity to fulfill a life-long secret dream of being a florist as I worked at a dear friend’s flower farm for a few days.  The first day was spent cutting Eucalyptus branches and “greening” a series of lovely centerpieces.  I was surprised by the boldness the work required, both physically (flowers are tougher than you think and need to be firmly pushed into the waiting foam if you want an arrangement that holds up) and creatively.  Thinking about it a few days later, I wrote this poem.  I’d like to think it applies to more in life than just flower arranging, but I’ll let you be the judge of that.  



in soft,
moist foam

is not for
the faint of heart.

It takes a
certain pressure,

and bravery.

Tight and
small, fearful

will not do,

not for a
wedding, a feast,

or even a

Step back,

the bigger

dare to make


be proud of


Photo Source: Here.

Linking with the lovely Laura and the Unforced Rhythms community.

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