For When There Is Fear

 “I will always have fear, but I need not be my fears, for I have other places within myself from which to speak and act.” – Parker Palmer”More than anything, fear blinds…” – Mark NepoTo be a personof faith, is to...

Love Leads Us Out, Love Draws Us Back Again

* This piece of writing is 6 years old. Much has changed in those years and much has stayed the same. All four kids took turns rummaging through the large metal pot that my husband uses to store old nuts, bolts, washers, and nails. After choosing their wares,...

What do you see?

 I took this quick picture of our kitchen island the other day. I think it was the morning after my 9 year-olds had their first sleep-over. But, really, the picture might be much the same on any given morning or afternoon. This countertop is a magnet for clutter....

Quiet Days

 Words can satisfy your mind, but silence satisfies your soul. – Nitin Namdeo Join Spiritual Director, Kelly Chripczuk, for one, two, or all three Quiet Days this fall. These retreats are designed to be low-program and offer ample time and space to dwell in...

Summer Grace (a collaborative poem)

  Summer Grace is a handful of blueberries dropped from the bush to your hand. (Some things are given, not grasped.) is a few days’ reprieve from sweltering heat. In coolness, freedom and possibility blossom. is the...
Sustainable Spirituality

Sustainable Spirituality

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