What I Wish I’d Said

“What’s with the bracelet?” he asked.  The cuff in question, made of brightly colored fabric and secured with two snaps, circled my left wrist.  Across the top, the word, ‘joy’ was written on a piece of frayed ivory canvas.  I was making my rounds at...

Turn Toward the Light (Do Not Be Afraid)

How did the rose ever open its heart and give to this world  all its beauty? It felt the encouragement of light against its being. Otherwise, we all remain  too frightened.  – Hafiz The world needs us all; every heart open, fragrant, bright with...

Origami and God (Fold, Unfold, Refold Again)

Each of my boys has discovered origami sometime between their sixth and seventh year of life.  It always begins with fortune tellers and airplanes, then progresses to boats and paper hats.  Soon, every surface of the house is littered with folded scraps of...

Slow (adjective)

Slow (adjective) : moving or operating, or designed to do so, only at a low speed; not quick or fast. synonyms: unhurried, leisurely, steady, sedate, poky, sluggish Every year, January 1st brings a wave of declarations and intentions splashing across my facebook...

Mistaken Identity, Poetry and a Secret

Twenty years ago, Naomi Shihab Nye’s poetry collection, Red Suitcase, came across the check-in desk at the library where I worked.  Captivated by the cover, the title, I flipped through, checked the book out, and wrote down two poems I’ve carried in my head...
Sustainable Spirituality

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