Silence (of headaches, libraries and boats)

 (one of the reading rooms at Dickinson College Library) Today I’m re-posting this piece from the “archives” which was written back in 2012, right when I first began blogging.  The twins were not quite one then and my older two were four...

Swim Lessons (Holding On and Letting Go)

(Photo Source here, CC License.) Let’s just say it’s, oh, I don’t know . . . 90 degrees in the building that houses the high school’s swimming pool. And humid.  Yes, very humid, like a sauna or a spa, although you’ll want to get the very idea of any...

Never Lost

One of the twins was missing for a while the other day.  Not alarmingly so, but gone for long enough that I thought to go and look for him.  Striding around the garage, I saw him stretched tall on his tippy-toes at the corner of the back fence where the...

Love Was His Meaning

What, do you wish to know our Lord’s meaning in this?  Know it well, love was his meaning.  Who reveals it to you? Love.  What did he reveal to you?  Love.  Why does he reveal it to you?  For love.  Remain in this, and you will...
Sustainable Spirituality

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