I’m here to make a confession. Are you ready? Here goes . . . I’ve become a little obsessed with the tall leather boots everyone seems to be wearing these days. Boots paired with skinny jeans, boots paired with dresses, brown boots, black boots,...
Eggs arrive one-a-day, like manna. We run to check the nest box, Israelites leaping at first light, hands open, to gather the mystery of provision from unlikely places. Photo Credit. Linking with Playdates with God and the Unforced...
I stood on a steep, wooded trail eating raspberries by the handful. In that moment I was only my outstretched arm, greedy fingers prying plump berries from large clusters. I was eyes trained on the color red hiding beneath green leaves; I was only a gaping...
One of the twins was missing for a while the other day. Not alarmingly so, but gone for long enough that I thought to go and look for him. Striding around the garage, I saw him stretched tall on his tippy-toes at the corner of the back fence where the...
It started with a crocus or two. Delicate blossoms like bright purple tissue paper, twisted. Then, later, the daffodils bloomed. Just two, opening on a cold rainy morning that left them covered with ice, but they endured. Now dozens of yellow...
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