Gather (Love’s Bouquet)

  Hunt out bright blooms, big and small.  Snip. Clutch in one hand, while cutting with the other.  Feel the prick of thorns.  Inside, grab the new turquoise vase with an hourglass figure.  Fill it with water – a tall, cool drink for thirsty...

To the Older Brother (All that is Mine is Yours)

Now his elder son was in the field . . . Luke 15:25 “You are not a slave.” That is what I wanted  to say to you when I saw you standing far off  in the field. And I ran out to you also.   *I really like this painting, but was unable to find...

Echolocation (#SmallWonder Link-up)

ech-o-lo-ca-tion (noun)     the location of objects by reflected sound, in particular that used      by animals such as dolphins and bats.   To be a person of faith, is to consent to life lived blind as a bat, to be a people of light...

I Was Afraid . . . and I Hid (Genesis 3 and Matthew 25)

I was afraid . . . and I hid (Genesis 3; Matt. 25) The old habit dies hard, the fear that drives one like a hare, hunted, pursued by God-only-knows what terror, darkened shadow, lurking nightmare. I was afraid, Adam said, because I was naked. Vulnerable, exposed, like...

The Center #SmallWonder Link-up

It’s been a rough week here.   On Wednesday my parents stopped by on their way home from wintering in Florida and by Thursday my Mom was in our local hospital having tested positive for both type A and B Influenza.  They hope to move her out of the ICU...
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