Obedience? (Wow Stars, Paint and Billy Joel)

“Only the good die young . . .” – Billy Joel That song by Billy Joel always irked me, catchy though it is, because I was one of the good girls, always.   // “I’m tired of following the rules all the time,” I told my husband, standing in the kitchen on a...

On Being the “Bigger” Person

  When the long-awaited email arrived it was filled with phrases like, we’ll “take care of the rest at our leisure” and “at the end of the day it’s only $150 more for them, but saves me a lot of hassle.” Having asked the buyers of our home to split the cost...

For the Fathers

  “Sometimes the bravest and most important thing you can do is just show up.” Brene Brown Sometime in the land before time, by which I mean the time before I was, my older brother woke in the middle of the night to the low rolling growl of a...


Early in our marriage it became clear that too many one-on-one game nights would ruin us, since I’m terribly competitive and an incredibly poor sport.  Being poor newlyweds, we didn’t own a TV and couldn’t afford to go to the...
Sustainable Spirituality

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