Art by Rachel Grant in the 2020 Women Who Rocked Our World calendar. Every man gives his life for what he believes. Every woman gives her life for what she believes. Sometimes people believe in little or nothing, and so they give their lives to little or...
It is only in framed space that beauty blooms. – Anne Lindbergh The haiku settles for doing, as I read it anyway, one very simple but crucial thing – it tries to put a frame around the moment. It simply frames a moment. Of course, as soon as you put a frame...
Behold the one beholding you, and smiling. – Anthony DeMello Our cat Blackie’s breath routinely reeks of all sorts of ungodly foulness. He snores, day and night, like a bear in hibernation. He leaves small puddles of drool on the bed and couch. He bosses...
Many of us rallied through the sudden changes brought by COVID 19 with equal doses of information and humor this past week. I personally, have read more news this week than at any other time in my life – I’m even checking local news several times a...
If I were to tell you one more thing, it would be this: Do not believe that the one who seeks to comfort you lives without difficulty the simple and humble words that sometimes help you. His life contains much grief and sadness and he remains far behind you. Were it...
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