Our mailbox sits across a busy state road from our house.  It’s an old metal box equipped with a nifty yellow flag that pops up whenever the door is opened.  This way, we can tell at a glance, whether the mail is here yet.  

I never cross the road unless that flag is up – it’s that reliable.  But sometimes, when the yellow flag beckons, I brave traffic, rain or snow only to discover a handful of junk mail – a flyer from a credit card company or a weekly bundle of local retailer flyers.  Those days, I feel disappointed, and like a little bit of a sucker.  I was looking forward to something good – or at least something useful, but instead I risked my life for a few pieces of paper that will go directly into the recycling bin.  

Maybe you know the feeling?

What if I could promise you one piece of mail each month that didn’t disappoint?  I want to invite you to sign up for my newsletter, Quiet Lights, where you’ll receive more of the same writing you’ve come to expect here on This Contemplative Life.  Quiet Lights is bi-monthly (during the school year) and has slowed to once a month over the summer.  

No spam, no junk mail, just a few good words straight from me to you.  Sound good?  You can sign up right here to get the latest post :

Now, if you’ll excuse me, the yellow flag is up across the street and I’ve got my fingers crossed that it’s something good today. 

Sustainable Spirituality

Sustainable Spirituality

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