This morning
the world was cloaked,

white on
white, as snow fell and the mountains

shied behind
a sheet of fog.  The cornfield 

stretched between, like a wide sheet of paper,


Lighting the
fire, I feel the way

these two
days between Thanksgiving

and Advent
stretch silent and open.

I want to
fall into these days,

to lay down
in the great white expanse

of them
amidst the absence of color, of noise,


This is the
moment between satisfaction

and desire
when we turn our hearts

training to see what is,

to longing
for that which is to come.  

There’s still time to sign-up to receive weekly poems and good links to deepen your journey through advent this year.  Visit this link to subscribe or visit Quiet Lights: Advent Wonder for Your Inbox to find out more. 


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