Does the Cardinal
know his own colors –
the spark
he creates by
simply being?
Maybe you
also are a bird
of brilliant hue,
long sought
by weary eyes
in a landscape,
Photo source HERE.
Linking with dVerse Poet’s Pub. Click over to read more poems.
and do we realize our own colors…or the impression we make on the world around us and those that see us…smiles. nice verse.
Thanks Brian. Happy to see dVerse up and running.
Sometimes I wonder if anyone knows his/her own influence or impact. Perhaps more than one ever realizes.
Yes, I like the idea that we're often unaware of our greatest gifts. Thanks for stopping by.
I think we all have a spirit of a bird within that longs to take flight..the color
depends on perspective. I would be a hawk if I were a bird.
Yes, I don't think I would choose to be red, but I wonder if we don't all somehow stand out in one context or another in ways we aren't always aware of.
Quite beautiful this feeling of the freedom of creation expressed in birds and beautifully captured.
i love the pic… and i think you're right…sometimes we're not aware of how we touch people around us…
Truly – how many of us know our true colors – simple yet thought provoking.
Oh wow! You have expressed here, so beautifully, something I've been mulling over for a while – that the things that create the beauty we see (a bird on the wing, a tree catching light, cloud shadows on the hills) are unaware of their beauty. God has been whispering to me that we are the same – that sometimes we are caught in a shimmer of glory, and are completely unaware of it, just going about our daily routines. It gives me such hope, that maybe in the middle of my very normal life, maybe I am beautiful to God.