“We have no maps, nothing but the inner directions

that seem to emerge as we engage the questions and

risk moving toward the dream.  Together we will

learn where we’re going.”    – Judy Cannato

The man I now love

invited me on a walk

that first spring.

“Why don’t you go

in front?” he offered,

as we wandered

without a trail

down a wooded slope.

Inwardly I bristled,

“How should I know

where we’re going?”

But his joy

was simply to be

in the woods with me

and I, alone,

could not feel it.

We’re walking again

this spring, moving

without a map

toward shared dreams,

down a hill no less

wooded or sloped.

But now I see,

together is the key

not where or how.

And when fear

causes me to stumble,

I find myself turning,

not to anger,

but to love. 

This poem is shared with dVerse Poets Pub for their open links night.

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