Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I
send, and who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I; send me!” Isaiah 6:8

My two oldest children, four and six, share a room far
enough away from my own upstairs bedroom that my husband and I keep a monitor
on so we can hear if they need us in the middle of the night.  My son has bad dreams or wakes for one reason
or another several nights a week.  He
calls and we stagger downstairs to reassure and then everyone drifts gratefully
back to sleep.

There are times, though, that we forget to turn on the
monitor or we accidentally leave the volume down too low and we miss my son’s
slow, repetitive cry.

 “Mama, Dada, Mama,

. . . click HERE to read the rest of this post with the community over at SheLoves Magazine . . .

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I wonder, where have you see bravery lived out in little ways?  I’d love to hear your stories here or on A Field of Wild Flowers’ facebook page.

This post is also shared with Playdates with God andHear it on Sunday, Use it on Monday.

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