
After  (Matt. 2:1-12) After you find the One for whom you wait, after you are overwhelmed with joy and kneel to kiss holy ground, you might also find yourself returning home by another road. The ways you once walked no longer appeal.  And though the way is...

Back When I Was A Crumudgeon (#SmallWonder Link-Up)

(Photo Source) The seminary’s married housing sprawled in a series of low brick buildings some five miles from campus.  There the newly married, newly empty-nested and a few brave families with young children resided in dilapidated cinder-block two-story...

This is My Confession (#SmallWonder Link-Up)

A small group of women sat in a circle.  The question was greeted with silence and I didn’t dare tell the truth.  What would they think?  It’s just not the kind of thing you admit in public.  And besides that, I felt guilty.  But maybe it’s...

A Stone Well-Placed (#SmallWonder Link-Up)

Wherever there is stillness there is the still small voice, God’s speaking from the whirlwind, nature’s old song and dance . . . – Annie Dillard, Teaching a Stone to Speak Five months pregnant with twins, I waddled up a narrow, rocky path.  I was...
Sustainable Spirituality

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