Not Where, but With

I never envisioned being the kind of woman who drives around with a dog sitting sentinel in the passenger seat –  I’m a cat person, after all.  But she loves to go, so I let her. On straight stretches I reach over and bury my hand in her fur ...

Gerbil (#SmallWonder Link-up)

Tiny nose, bulging eyes, whir of white whiskers.  Pin-prick precision fingers carry bedding, clutch seeds.  Nest, burrow, run ‘round the wheel.  The cat, obsessed, incensed, broods on top of her cage sniffing, spying, swatting. *   *   *...


After  (Matt. 2:1-12) After you find the One for whom you wait, after you are overwhelmed with joy and kneel to kiss holy ground, you might also find yourself returning home by another road. The ways you once walked no longer appeal.  And though the way is...

Some Mornings (An Advent Poem)

Photo Source: Picture from: B. Monginoux / (cc by-nc-nd) O that you would tear open the heavens and come down . . . Isaiah 64:1 Some mornings the mountains  disappear completely, a great wall of white cutting the distance between presence and...
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