The Kingdom of Heaven is Like a Tree

What is the kingdom of God like? And to what should I compare it?  It is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in the garden; it grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air made nests in its branches. Luke 13:18-19   A...

To See the Naked Trees (Advent Week 1)

Photo Credit (Each week in December I hope to write at least one post reflecting on the lectionary texts from the Sunday before.  This week’s readings include Jeremiah 33:14-16 and Luke 21:25-36.) We flew along back roads surrounded by fields and forests on...

Back When I Was A Crumudgeon (#SmallWonder Link-Up)

(Photo Source) The seminary’s married housing sprawled in a series of low brick buildings some five miles from campus.  There the newly married, newly empty-nested and a few brave families with young children resided in dilapidated cinder-block two-story...

Rudolph’s Bargain Patch (A Christmas Story)

  It sat alone, across the muddy tractor tracks, next to the stinking porta-potties in a wide and muddy pit.   Enjoying the wagon ride out to the fields, the hacksaw in hand and children all around, my husband and I hardly noticed the wide plastic sign,...

The Woods (a poem)

Within you dwells a wood –  there are trails, some old and overgrown, others fresh-cut and, between them, wide open spaces filled with untamed growth. In those woods you are every age you have ever been, every age you will be. Those woods walk up the...
Sustainable Spirituality

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