Biding the Shadows of Advent

I am still running from that knowledge, that eye, that love from which there is no refuge.  For you meant only love, and love, and I felt only fear, and pain.  So once in Israel love came to us incarnate, stood in the doorway between two worlds, and we were...

Laughter and Tears (for Mother’s Day)

“We’re thinking about having another baby,” I said, keeping my hands at two and four on the steering wheel and glancing over at my mother who sat holding her purse in the passenger seat.  We were a little over a month into her diagnosis and several weeks into...


Manhunt Driving through the morning’s round of drop-offs the radio tells of man hunting man and I watch as magnolia trees drop great showers of silky, blushing blooms. Spring is the foolish season whose beauty we cannot long endure so the trees, in their gracefulness,...

The Tears and the Garden

From The Jungle Book, after Mowgli fights off the deadly tiger Shere Kahn and the wolves who betrayed the pack: “At last, only Akela, Bagheera, and about ten wolves who had been loyal to Mowgli remained. The boy’s knees began to weaken, and a hurt began to...
Sustainable Spirituality

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