Free-Range Summer Days

Isaiah (age 8) has taken up baking. He bakes like a happy drunk, tripping around the kitchen, leaving a trail of small disasters in his wake. He dives into each recipe like a boulder dropped into a pond, no caution, all energy. We may or may not have all the...

Prayer Loom (a Prayer What??)

Destiny itself is like a wonderful wide tapestry in which every thread is guided by an unspeakably tender hand, placed beside another thread, and held and carried by a hundred others.  – Rainer Maria Rilke For the past few years, we’ve tried to adopt...

God’s Not Grumpy

I’ve been immersed in Jesuit priest Gregory Boyle’s books recently (Tattoos on the Heart and Barking to the Choir).  I’m so encouraged and enchanted by his sense of God’s innate qualities – qualities affirmed in scripture, but often...

My Daughter, Annie Dillard, and I

My twelve-year-old daughter says there are four eggs in the nest outside her bedroom window.  I believe her, because she’s who one sits and watches, keeping an eye on the world around her.  // On the night after the Parkland Florida shooting, my oldest...
Sustainable Spirituality

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