Love is Vertigo (a falling, floundering thing)

(Photo Source) (To celebrate my new web page and in honor of Valentine’s Day, I’m re-sharing some old posts this weeks focusing on the topic of love.  Today’s post was shared on Valentine’s Day 2013. Stop back tomorrow for another look at...

Yesterday, On West 1st Street (#SmallWonder Link-up)

Saturday morning our kids were all away at sleep-overs.  John got up early and brought two cups of coffee back to bed.  When I stirred from my nest of sheets and sun, he asked, “Are you ready to hear about what I saw this morning?” I guess I must have been...

The Player

The Player My husband wanted  a record player. Why? I asked. We don’t have ROOM for a record player.  We don’t NEED a record player.  We don’t even OWN any records. Still, every time I browsed local thrift stores  he asked, Did you see any record...

Crazy (Maybe My Mother-in-law Was Right)

“I have two bad things to tell you and one good,” he said.  “Which do you want to hear first?” “Bad news,” I replied. “The bad news is, my Mom read your postcard AND she hates the word ‘crazy.’ It’s like a swear word to her.” ...
Sustainable Spirituality

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