The Wood Stove (Need Draws Us)

Our need for warmth draws us and keeps us together, sprawled where the seating is too limited for six, the noise levels too much.  The dog, also, is there, taking up more than her fair share of the love seat. In the corner, the wood stove ticks as the cast iron...

To See the Naked Trees (Advent Week 1)

Photo Credit (Each week in December I hope to write at least one post reflecting on the lectionary texts from the Sunday before.  This week’s readings include Jeremiah 33:14-16 and Luke 21:25-36.) We flew along back roads surrounded by fields and forests on...

A Prayer for Wonder

We stayed out later than normal and as I carried forty pounds of three year old through the cold, dark night toward the waiting van, he happened to look up.  “The moon is so little!” he cried.  I tipped my chin toward heaven and saw stars winking their...
Sustainable Spirituality

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