Laura Boggess’ weekly link-up, Playdates With God was one of the first I discovered when I started blogging back in 2012. Since then I’ve been a devoted follower of both her writing and her community. I’m very excited to share with you the much anticipated release of her book, Playdates with God.
Here’s what I had to say about Playdates in my review on Amazon:
Laura tells the story of the invitation she received to become “like a
little child.” Drawn by God, she explores and opens herself to a world
of wonder, presence and deep joy and, in her telling, we find ourselves
also invited, led and drawn into the depths. Laura’s prose is poetic
and her experiences of care-free play are balanced by deep and broad
research into the bible, science, and psychology. Scripture says, “a
little child shall lead them,” Laura is one of those little ones,
leading us all into deeper presence and joy as followers of a playful,
loving God.
Laura’s heart is that of a poet, a mystic and, above all, a devoted follower of God. If you find yourself lost and numb in your faith, hoping to rediscover a sense of wonder and belovedness, maybe the answer isn’t more work, more striving, more sacrifice, but actually more play.
I want to invite you to check out what others are saying about this book at Amazon and to consider ordering it NOW as I’m hoping it will be the next book discussed in our Field of Wild Flowers Book Club
beginning in January.
Laura is also blogging daily Playdates over at her blog for the entire month of October. Visit her there to get a taste of her wonder and deep ability to sense and communicate the presence of God in daily life.
Lovely words, Kelly, for a lovely book. Thank you.