Slowed to the Taste of Blue (Wonderstruck)

We sweep through the big red-framed doors into Target, into the coolness and light and open space that smells like newness and popcorn mingled together.We stop for a cart and I take off long-striding into the belly of the beast, pushing, pulling my daughter who’s...

We Have No Maps

“We have no maps, nothing but the inner directions that seem to emerge as we engage the questions and risk moving toward the dream.  Together we will learn where we’re going.”    – Judy Cannato The man I now love invited me...

Perfectly Imperfect (a mostly true story)

It was the end of the academic year, spring ripening toward summer.  She circled the small dorm room, two, three, four times, her eyes pausing to measure each object before passing on to the next.  Her long hair was wrapped in a floral bandanna, her...

The Rescuer

I had just emptied the dishwasher and was bent, filling it with plates and forks from lunch when I heard the loud crash.  It happened during those few quiet moments of contentment, when the sunlight pours through the kitchen windows and the three boys, with sated...


Manhunt Driving through the morning’s round of drop-offs the radio tells of man hunting man and I watch as magnolia trees drop great showers of silky, blushing blooms. Spring is the foolish season whose beauty we cannot long endure so the trees, in their gracefulness,...
Sustainable Spirituality

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