The Fallow Field
I wonder whether
the field
that lies fallow
for a season,
a neighboring field’s
Or whether it simply lies there
drinking in
the warm sunshine
as it is restored,
I’m coming into yet another week tired and empty. Imagine my relief and gratitude at finding this poem waiting, resting, in my blog drafts. For every time there is a season, and if this is your season to rest and be restored, may you find the grace to embrace it.
Linking with Playdates with God, and A Dare to Love Yourself.
Oh, it sounds so much better to just rest in the sunshine of our God's love, allowing Him to restore us, instead of being envious of another's
productivity. Visiting via Emily's.
Much love
Thanks for stopping by Mia.
This is so lovely, Kelly. Yes, it gives me rest. Always love my visits here.
Thanks Laura.
my friend just wrote me today saying she felt God telling her to take a year of rest… isn't that incredible? the way she's taking care of herself that way? i love that this poem was there waiting for you, friend. such a gift.
I looked up the word "fallow" after I posted this and saw that a fallow field is still "plowed and harrowed," but left unsown. There is so MUCH that happens when we're at rest and I wonder if this lack of control isn't why we neglect resting.
Thanks for stopping by, Emily.
i would think the field content….and in that there are things we can learn from it surely…smiles…
followed you over from dverse…
Yes! Contentment, and acceptance.
ha…if i were that field i would always think i should be more productive…and that's my problem..and i think the problem that lots of people have… we have difficulties to just rest and let him restore us… have to learn that…really like the image.. coming over from dVerse as well..
Thanks, Claudia. Yes, I wrote this during a time when I was feeling empty and comparing myself to other more productive bloggers. Not a healthy place to be.
Very nice! I love the analogy with the fallow and productive fields.
Thanks, Nancy!
A fine analogy — use the rest while you have it. For their is work to be done later!
It's interesting that rest itself is often work, just of a different sort.
I agree with everything has its season. Let it enjoy its rest for a while & just lie in the sun and soak it in.
Hmmm . . . like a cat, I've always wanted to be a cat sleeping in a sunny window . . . maybe another poem brewing:)