“For nothing will be impossible with God.” Luke 1:37

I can’t do this.

I am doing this.

Both. And.

This is where we live,

where Mary meets us.

And we all cry out together

to the angel and the blinding light,

“How can this be?”

Then comes the reply,

“The spirit of God, my friend,

the spirit of God.”

And we all cry out together,

and we all cry.

Both. And.

*   *   *   *   *


I wander around the house these
days, treading water, trying to stay afloat while crunching layers of cheerios
under my feet and endlessly ferrying dirty glass bowls from one room to


I tell myself I’m the least
likely candidate to be in charge of what feels like a small daycare.I think to myself, “This is not me.This is not possible.How can I be a mother of four kids?” 


Click here to cotinue reading this post titled: Impossible.

*   *   *   *   *

What impossible thing are you facing today?  May Mary’s question and the angel’s answer be a guide and a comfort to you.     

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