I’m grateful to have a post published today over at SheLoves/Magazine.  (For all of my male readers, don’t worry, only the first part is about breastfeeding!)  I’d love to hear your comments either here or there and, as always, feel free to share.

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I sat on the couch, a baby under each arm, and prepared to nurse my five-month-old twins. I steeled myself, braced against the pain–the feeling like shards of glass and fire shooting through my breasts – as their hungry little mouths latched on. The fierce latch I’d been so grateful for when they were newborns now filled me with anxious dread.

I’d nursed my older two without problems, but a few months in with the twins I began to experience intense pain. My skin was cracked and bleeding and each feeding was misery. I saw two different doctors and tried multiple prescriptions before finally learning I had an intraductal yeast infection. I spent months downing rounds of oral medications and applying lotions and creams. I searched the internet for solutions. I treated both babies with syringes of liquid medicine, at times giving eight doses a day between the two of them.

Click here to continue reading this story about sitting as an act of surrender . . .  . . .

Do you struggle to find time to “sit down” and enjoy life?  Is there any particular discipline or life-practice that has helped you with this?

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